Analyze performance
Detailed statistical metrics located on Dashboard, Campaigns and Workflows pages will help you to
monitor how your messages are performing. Analyze the main columns:
Clicked - number of clicks on every unique link in your messages
CTR - percentage of purchases in relation to the number of messages
Unsub - percentage of unsubscribed customers after receiving the messages
Ord - number of orders related to the received messages
Conv - percentage of orders in relation to the number of messages
Earned - total amount of earned funds related to the received messages
EPM - amount of earned funds in relation to the number of messages
Invalid messages and errors can be caused for several potential reasons as the destination number
you are trying to reach is unknown and may no longer exist; the device you are trying to reach is not
on or does not have sufficient signal; the device cannot receive SMS (for example, the phone number
belongs to a landline); there is an issue with the mobile carrier and other system’s reasons.